Friday, January 6, 2012

Okay so it's 3:33am...and I've been up for an hour already. Thinking about all kinds of stuff, like...the phoenix, upheaval, guns, knives, archery, martial arts, education, art, hackers, motherhood, resilience, goals and baby steps to name a few.

The Phoenix
The idea or anaolgy repeats itself of myself being burried, oppressed by life's daily chores and responsibility and motherhood and being a wife and have lost some of the parts of me that were fun or interesting. However I don't believe they are truly lost but rather just buried, repressed. The phoenix is a dramatic symbol but one I think many women can look to as a rising up from whatever may be holding us back. I also like the idea of the archealogical dig foor uncovering and discovering those lost aspects of "self".

Guns, Knives, Archery and Martial Arts
When I was young my father belonged to agun club, owned a few guns and also did realistic illustrative paintings and carvings of guns. He would get gun Magazines as well and collected knives. I was a bit of a tom boy and shared some of these interests with him. I took archery once in camp (Although I wasn't very
good). I also have  shot 22s + an M16. My father also taught me to whittle wood as he used to do so and did carpentry work when I was young so I've always loved working with wood.I never took martial arts but wanted to and was tHinking I'd like to teach my my daughter these things and more. but also want to make sure what age may be appropriatte to start and in what doses. I would like my daughter to be A strong well rounded woman who knows how to take care of herself and never feels she has to rely on a man to take care of her. I was tinking back to how I'd like my daughter to be like Lara Croft.

I have been toying with the the idea of trying to further my education and possibly go for a masters degreee considering early childhood education with a specialty in the arts. Thinking about my daughter's education and how I can't afford to send her to any of the schools I'd like to. Trying to figure out where I will end up sending her. Have been researching schools and going to open houses for her but still feel lost & clueless. Currently I have her in a gym combo class for scoialization and exercise. I am going to try to start her back at ballet lessons at Ballet Hispanico. We attempted this before but she wasn't ready and was to clingy and disruptive in class. The end of this month she will be starting gentle seperation classes, to prepare her for school.

Exercise & Lifestyle Changes
Since I have been up since 2:30am, I decided around 5:30 to do something productive and did my Zumba total body stretch and then the Zumba mix DVD. It was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it. They used a variety of instructors in this DVD from different parts of the world in different cultural garb and it made me so happy!

Ok so I have some possible mini goals that I would like to work on (please don't judge me LOL):
  1. Take an accessory design class
  2. Take a basic sewing class
  3. Learn to drive & get license
  4. Lose weight
  5. Exercise
  6. Eat Healthier
  7. Be a good role model to my daughter
  8. Clean House
  9. Clean Office
  10. Start creating designs again
  11. Start doing art work again
  12. Get more organized
  13. Save money
  14. Figure out plan for putting my daughter through school
  15. Improve my relationship with my husband
  16. Get my husband's photos into an art gallery

1 comment:

  1. These all sound like terrific goals. Take it slow, a little at a time, and I'm sure you'll be able to start checking them off your list one by one:). Love ya!
