Sunday, January 1, 2012

20 Things I am Grateful For and More

Happy New Year!

I recently read a post from Joyce Meyer Ministries on facebook saying before asking God for something think of 20 things you are grateful for...I have decided this would be a good way to start my blog and the new year.

20 Things I am Grateful For:

1. My daughter
2. My husband (although this can very from moment to moment LOL)
3. My family
4. My health
5. My job
6. God
7. Nature
8. Art
9. Friends
10. Learning New Things
11. My dog
12. Joyce Meyer Ministries
13. Dr. Wayne Dyer
14. Music
15. Second, third and fourth chances
16. Zumba
17. Swimming
18. Hugs
19. Love
20. Laughter

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote: "Forget about those New Year's resolutions in which you decide on the first day of January how you will be conducting your life for the next twelve months. Instead, set up day-to-day goals for yourself, and then resolve to begin living with present moment awareness for the rest of your life. When you get good at living your present moments one day at a time you'll see yourself changing..."

My friend Lisa just started a blog yesterday. Check out her blog at: In addition she makes some great cake pops - check them out at: I was inspired by her. I attempted to start a blog 2 years ago but my husband told me I had to write about something people were interested in and that I knew enough about. I agreed he was right and didn't pursue it any further. However I often have given into the defeatest attitude and have found this way of living has not served me well thus far. So after my friend Lisa started her blog yesterday I decided why can't I write a blog as well? and that I no longer want to give up before I even really give it a shot.

I have a number of talented and creative friends who's work I would like to share as well as things that come up just in living life and being a mom.

I have recently been looking for educational materials for my daughter and found a series of DVDs by First Impressions and small fry for children ages 1-5 years. Subjects include, letters, numbers, shapes, sounds, and animals. What I like about these DVDs are the educational activties and that there are multiple choice questions where your child can select an answer and it's interactive. "Baby's first impressions and small fry have received over 30 awards from national organizations that recognize the very best in children's education and entertainment. Some of these include: USA Today, Coalition for Quality Children's Media - Approved By Kids First!, Child Magazine - best video of the year, Parenting magazine voted #1, and more."

I have a friend who has been making some wonderful designs. Check her designs out facebook - Nelesc Designs. I admire her work as being a designer is something else I started to pursue and gave up on. I was working on designing dog clothing and accessories and furniture and kind of let it go by the way side.

Also I'd like to share my husband's photography web site: I am very proud of his work and eagerly await him sharing some of his most recent work from his trip to Yemen.

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