Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Well, well, well....it's been quite the week. My father, sister and daughter all had a stomach bug. My father had it the worst. He seems to be better and my daughter is on the mend although her tummy still isn't back to normal yet :(. I saw my friends Lisa and Amy briefly Friday night and was so glad I did. We were supposed to spend a lot more time together but it just didn't work out. I went shopping for a stroller wanted a light weight stroller that was well made but reclines. Apparently when you have a toddler & don't have a fortune to spend this is too much to ask. I don't understand as these are basic requirements. I bought the Macalren Volo only to find it doesn't recline & had to bring it back. I ended up with a Baby Jogger City Micro which is definitely not light weight in my opinion but has an ease of use for folding and opening. I am still frustrated though because what I was looking for was something like the Maclaran without tremendous expense but that weighs less than 10 pounds but can support a growing toddler & take abuse and yet be easy to commute with. I feel I didn't get my requirements met. I was considering the Chicco Lite Way or is it air way. I don't understand why some colors of the same model are more expensive than others though and of course the less expensive color wasn't available. I felt baffled, still do actually. So have a bit of a stomach bug and so does the rest of my family. Hopefully we are all on the mend. So in addition to trying to get my husband's photography into a gallery I am trying to get myself back to doing some art work and would like to do a series of birds of prey drawings. So far I have done 2 owls and perhaps will do a hawk or eagle next, who knows. I feel like I am in some strange space - not purgatory or something quite so severe but yet a weird in between place where changes are coming, at least one can hope or maybe it's some other form of transition or something not quite sure exactly but definitely something is going on while nothing is going on...if that makes any sense. Anyway this day just flew by. I am grateful for another day, my health, my family and friends, God's grace, a roof over my head, a job, Brooke, Truffles even Ruby, cultural diversity, music, soul, just saw this really cool site for leather hand bags....interestingly enough it's not the handbags that appeal to me as much as the artistic photos & videography, check it out: http://www.brachfeldparlaghy.com/

I came across a posting on facebook this morning by NPR that was about a photographer, Joel Sartore. He is a National Geographic photographer who is working on a project to photograph all the endangered species before they are gone and is traveling the world visiting zoos and aquariums photographing the different species.  This sounded awesome to me and I thought what a wonderful project. He mentioned the drawback is he is away from his wife and 3 children most of the time. I thought again oh that isn't too awesome. But still couldn't help but fantasize a bit about being able to travel with my husband working on a similar project and me illustrating the species so that you have both the photographed images and illustrations. Wow! what an opportunity that would be and educational for our daughter.  You should really check out the article I found it really exciting and interesting: http://www.npr.org/blogs/pictureshow/2012/01/24/145523938/one-mans-quest-to-capture-americas-endangered-zoo-animals-with-a-camera His work is so awesome!!! but so is the project he is working on and if you would like to help support the  Field Test Biodiversity Project check out the following link:
Here are just a few of Joel Sartore's awesome shots:

So my husband and I finally submitted some of his recent photography to a local gallery in hopes of getting an exhibition. I am praying he does. Today is his birthday and what an awesome gift that would be ; ) So that was one of my baby step goals for the new year and working towards a revolution of a personal sort. I also finally did a zumba workout again last night which is another mini triumph in my daily battle towards positive change.

I have a friend who is writing a poem a day and posting them on facebook. She has inspired me and although I don't believe I can possibly do an illustration a day as a full time working mom w/ a toddler, dog, fish and husband to look after. I would like to try to perhaps maybe set up a more realistic goal for myself perhaps 1 a week or even 1 a month but need o push forward to get to creating as I'd like to again.

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